05 June 2021

And, The Deal is Sealed, Virtually

Siddanth Shetty
Indian art, as ancient as civilisation, has undergone several transformations influenced by cultural diversity and exceptional artistic styles. Famous for richness in traditional artworks, like Mughal paintings, sculptures, India’s dynamic artistic legacy goes on with its enchanting contemporary paintings. Given the current exposure that Indian art is receiving for its distinguished designs, the projected turnover of the market will hold its ground, and expand over the next decade. It is safe to expect an increment in prices, given the steady growth in demand and the limited supply of auction quality artworks. Investment in art as an asset with long-term tangible value and as an instrument to hedge against in?ation, has done exceptionally well during in?ationary periods. The Indian art auction market has even stood its ground through the course of the past year, hereby registering...
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