02 August 2021

Being Your Own Boss

OLM Desk
In March 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic invaded India, who had thought it would bring us to a cusp of the unknown in so many ways? And yet, here we are, after sixteen months, on the verge of redefining ourselves. Our initial exasperation with the lockdown, with being imprisoned at home, and home itself being turned into office, those were only the first, material steps in dismantling the world as we knew it. Over a year of coping with a real fear of sickness and death, and of being touched by personal and collective tragedy, added a keen psychological element to that disturbing of settled paradigms—what ensued for many was a deep interrogation of the self and everything out there. It was, relatively speaking, a small duration of time in everyone’s life—even if it seemed like an aeon spent in hell. But perhaps because of that last bit, enduring it has been a truly...
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