25 January 2019

‘Hi-Spec And Low Price’ Echoed 2018

Nimish Dubey
As we embrace the New Year with open arms and look towards new happenings, We take a look back at some of the notable events and launches in the past year, especially, in the world of technology. But, when it comes to picking the best, to be brutally honest, it was all too slim. Unfortunately, tech pundits of the future will not find anything truly revolutionary while trying to access the files of 2018.   2018 The year of update If the above words sound too harsh, just consider the events of the year. Not withstanding all the hype and talk of changing the world, the fact remained that 2018 was better off than its predecessor, but more on the lines of an update than an overhaul. This was best reflected in the most popular gadget—the mobile phone, where specs and prices seemed to garner more attention than actual innovation. Even tech giant Apple treaded a somewhat conservative...
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