01 January 2023

How To Tie Loose Ends After You Lose A Loved One

OLM Desk
Getting over a loved one’s death is difficult and may take some time. However, there are certain loose ends that need to be tied soon after a person’s death, including putting some important documents in order, especially if you are legal heir. We tell you what these are and how to go about putting the documentation in place. Certifcates To Obtain Death Certificate: The deceased’s family member/legal heir will have to claim this from the local corporation. The family member will need to furnish documents of the deceased such as photo ID, own documents such as proof of identity, other certificates from doctors or hospitals, and cremation or burial certificate to establish the demise. Surviving Members Certificate: This document just declares the names of the surviving family members, but not the    name of the successor. To get this, family members need...
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