02 July 2021

The Hidden Treasure In Hobbies

Subhalakshmi Dey
Once upon a time, in a world far, far away, markets ruled the common folk. All sorts of markets, really – stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities – everything that sounded sinister and forbidden and adult-like. People would flock to them like lost sheep, wild and restless, searching for a light that would signal them back home. They were all obsessed with what they called “securities”, prices of which rose and fell, and with each high and low, bits of paper at first, and later, zippy electronic blips on computer screens, would be created. Each creative stroke led to more. But beyond the pale of the ordinary lived a tiny group of people who pursued, collected, lost sleep-over and became wide-eyed about extraordinary things – film posters, wine bottles, sports memorabilia, railway engine models, coins, fountain pens and, in the case of a certain Tom Hanks,...
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