11 September 2023

5 Money Lessons To Make Your Life Fulfilling

K S Rao
Every year, Teachers Day is celebrated to recognize the invaluable contributions and the profound impact of teachers on our lives. Apart from schoolteachers, we gather many lessons from other individuals in our lives, and a lot of these lessons are about how to handle money. Here are five such lessons that you may have heard about and could really come in handy if you start implementing them in your lives. Save A Part Of Your Income Several of us may feel that we don’t earn enough to start saving. This could happen to people who have just started their jobs and do not have a big pay packet or those who end up spending a chunk on their liabilities or dependents. But that is a misconception. Even if you are able to save only a miniscule amount at the beginning, start doing so. It will help build the discipline of saving and you will be able to jack up the amount as your income...
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