02 May 2023

An SIP For Every Need

K S Rao
For most of the us the very first investing lesson started from the familiar place we call “ghar”. Remember those days when relatives and family friends gave children some money for “buying treats” on special occasions and visits. For children of that generation, getting those small amounts was thrilling, but it also meant that some or all of it had to be stashed away in a piggy bank. Waiting for the piggy bank to fill up so that we could buy something special with the large amount was an equally wonderful feeling. In the process, children learnt about saving for a financial goal, and the value of money. While one Rs 10 note could buy a chocolate bar, several such Rs 10 notes could eventually help buy a cricket set or a doll’s house. Little investments helped achieve bigger goals. For many, this was also an introduction to the concept of systematic...
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