13 November 2019

Backing India, Backing A Soon-To-Be $5 Trillion Economy

OLM Desk
The Indian Government has set an ambitious target of achieving a $5 trillion size by 2024, which means doubling in five years. It is a matter of courage, of new dreams and will involve sacrifices as New India takes the world by storm. To fuel this growth, the country will rapidly need to accelerate the per capita income in a short time, a job that will involve heavy-lifting by India’s pride - the resilient banking industry. Our idea of incredible India is not with regards to just one aspect but encompasses all. With the aim of Digital India,  digital banking has a major role to play in this movement. When it comes to lesser income groups, affordable housing is very much necessary. Even the agriculture sector should move towards adapting recent technology. Moreover profound growth of Industries including MSMEs will certainly lead to the employment of skilled youth of India...
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