02 June 2021

Bereave You Will, Brace You Must

The second wave of the Covid-19 virus hit the country like a tornado, with thousands of people being infected every day. While age-wise data for number of infections and deaths has not been released by the government this year, there have been many reports, including official admissions, that the second wave has hit the younger population much harder. Even if we take data published by the government for last year, nearly half the people who died of Corona virus infection were aged below 60, with 35 per cent of them within the 45-60-year bracket. It is obvious that a large number of households have lost their earning members and, in many cases, the breadwinners in Covid. A quintessential middle-class family runs into a rough patch following such a catastrophe. The family members are often in the lurch regarding financial matters that are traditionally handled by the man in the family and...
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