27 November 2021

Bitcoin Flirts With Stability

Kaveri Nandan
The Indian government has turned its attention to cryptocurrencies in 2021 as more people take interest in this investment option that is truly digital. The stance remains cautious, but regulations are on the way to ensure buyers’ security and curb illegal usage. However, the debate among enthusiasts seems to have moved from whether to buy cryptocurrencies or not to choosing one that is the least volatile. For retail investors, caution must remain the mainstay of investing in this asset class. Cryptocurrencies have given volatility a new meaning; prices of coins vary sharply within a span of minutes. Even marquee coins such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Coin (BNB), the top coins by market value, have seen spectacular spikes and crashes during the year. But if we take a step away from all the noise and look at the overall picture, a silent trend emerges. Volatility...
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