03 January 2022

Equity Investing: A Leap Of Faith, Belief And Trust

OLM Desk
Amit Bivalkar, MD and CEO, Sapient Wealth I often get asked about my decision to collaborate with other advisors, and what prompted me to do so. This (and any other such business move outside of your comfort zone) is not merely a transactional decision. It is one of the principles and how I see my business running hereon. It involves the intersection of the belief systems of more than one party, which can bring about a lot of change and uncertainty. However, when you know deep down that this change is what you stand for and are willing to work through the issues that come with it, that is when you know you’re taking the right call. Moves like these are not propelled only by passion and impulse. They are guided by faith, belief, and trust. What is the difference, you ask? Well, understanding this is as important in guiding your journey in the business as it is basic. Laymen can...
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