29 August 2021

Herculean Power Of Narration

Larissa Fernand
Before the early 1900s, almost no one in the United States was accustomed to the practice of brushing their teeth. It took the genius of American businessman and advertising guru Claude Hopkins to change the landscape. Hopkins boosted the sales of Schlitz beer by advertising that the company cleaned their bottles “with live steam” (every other company did the same). Coaxed millions of women into purchasing Palmolive soap (Cleopatra’s way to complexion beauty). Goodyear tyres had 10 per cent more air capacity because they were not ‘rim-cut.’ To make it more comprehensible to the customers, Hopkins reframed the ad campaign to ‘no rim-cut tires’. He emphasised great results for the consumer, rather than the manufacturing process of the producer or the technical details of the product. When approached by a friend with a new creation - toothpaste...
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