04 February 2023

How Population Growth Can Affect Your Income

Nilanjan Dey
The dark side of the moon is always unfathomable, beyond reach. The fact that China’s population count is decelerating, bares India to a darkness that can be troubling. As the next census will surely demonstrate, India will become the world’s most populous country, and our elevated status, or our very own crown of thorns, will appear sooner than most of us had thought. The emerging demography will complicate a situation that already has certain delicate issues attached to it and draw the nation’s attention to our “dependency ratio”. This sinister metric is often used to assess the number of dependents for every hundred economically productive people in a country. The dependency ratio will lead us to the number of citizens who are either under 15 years of age, or 65 or older­. As in several countries in the Third World, we are not in a comfortable...
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