30 September 2022

OLM 50: On The Growth Path

Kundan Kishore
There is no better time to relook at a portfolio than the middle of the financial year. When we relaunched OLM 50, a basket of mutual funds we pick after applying several filters, in May 2022, we promised to do a half-yearly review, and here we are. Our OLM 50 half-yearly review comes at a time when global uncertainties loom large, and there is widespread fear that markets may tank going forward. At such times—when some stocks get a bit wobbly, while others surge ahead of the market—the task of mutual fund managers becomes quite challenging. They need to dig deeper into the market psyche and company fundamentals to choose the winners that can outperform the benchmark. The objective of this review is to suggest a better alternative. Instead of pitching for funds that have done well in the short term, we have always believed in the importance of consistent long-term...
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