07 October 2020

Overcome Stress In Uncertain Times

Swami Mukundananda
The uncertainty of today’s global economy and environment has many of us feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed. Managing our home, work, and finances has become challenging and even draining. Part of the problem lies in our inability to deal with situations that we feel are beyond our capacity. But if we adopt healthy coping mechanisms and empowering mindsets, we can easily navigate through difficult times. Since our body and mind are intricately connected, anxiety is best dealt with in a holistic manner, where we address all our faculties. Yoga:The word “Yoga” means “to unite.” It is a process that brings into light all the aspects of an individual — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The sincere and regular practice of Yoga offers many benefits to the body, mind, and soul. Asanas:or postures, are one of the arms of yogic science. They...
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