29 August 2021

Real Wealth In Virtual Assets

OLM Desk
With technology transforming paper currencies into digital forms, many nations have opened the door to cryptocurrencies. But the extreme volatility in the market has kept the Indian government hesitant to give crypto trade the green light. The Reserve Bank has been issuing warnings against the uncertainty of investing in virtual currency. The untamed volatility of cryptocurrencies resembles that of a wild stallion – more unpredictable than the charging bulls or the biting bears of the stock market. And, there’s no watchdog to control the $1.33-trillion market. It’s a market for the bullish, not the risk-shy. The emergence of virtual currency took the world by surprise around a decade back with major currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum being introduced as an alternative mode of exchange. One can purchase goods and services using Bitcoin or Ethereum or any Altcoin....
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