21 May 2019

Signs Of Being Debt Trapped

Rahul Agarwal
Sometimes any unplanned event such as a medical emergency, loss of job, and delayed salary forces one to borrow beyond their repayment capacity, and these situations typically are the starting point of falling into a debt trap. These sudden shocks can be avoided by maintaining an adequate contingency fund. But often the slow, gradual slide into debt can prove to be more dangerous as it goes unnoticed until very late. There are several signs indicating the falling into a debt trap, the first and the most common sign is one when meeting monthly expenses without taking on extra debt becomes problematic. Some of the other signs that are typical of unhealthy personal finance and a possibility of falling into a debt trap are:   Rolling over card bills: Skipping full payment of credit card bills is the most common and probably the first sign that you are falling in to a debt trap....
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