28 June 2022

Talk Back

OLM Desk
EVs: Green, But Not So Clean The story on electric vehicles, The Cost Of Green Mobility, was refreshing for a change. Even more spectacular was the cover design. It looked almost like an auto magazine, reviewing cars for a change. In fact, you had a tail light section as well, a few years ago. I always looked forward to the reviews. We all know cars are not an investment, but rather an expenditure. Still, people in India almost always buy cars as investments—investment as a  lifestyle statement. EVs have become very popular of late, and your in-depth analysis was an eye-opener. Now the government has to reduce the huge price differential in respect of petrol and diesel cars, set the infrastructure right, and ensure that the electricity grid is absolutely robust if Indians are to start driving electric vehicles on a larger scale. Then there’s also the point of...
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