01 October 2021

Tech Shows The Way To SMEs’ Revival

Madhuparna Roy Sukul
The pandemic has dramatically changed the world by reshaping and remodeling our livelihoods. The economy has faced multiple crises, like health, and financial. With an average rate of contraction recorded at 7.3 per cent for the entire financial year 2020-21, the country recorded its largest drop in GDP in history. The hardest hit were the Indian households, workers, and small businesses. Around 10 million people lost their jobs during the second wave of Covid, leaving many people with no income. However, as every cloud has a silver lining, some people proved how moments of adversity in life can be the greatest opportunities. Chef Amit Wadhawan from Gurgaon lost his job in May 2020 and that’s when he decided to follow his passion. He soon launched his range of jams (from Kiwi to apple jam), malted chocolate, gluten-free options, and more, which  soon became a hit. Pooja Goel,...
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