29 September 2022

The Demons To Fight This Diwali

Nidhi Sinha
In simpler times, when the dazzle of brands, malls and daily deals on e-commerce websites didn’t beckon us all the year round, festivals were the time when people took stock of their needs, aligned them with their savings and bonuses, and went out shopping. Buying clothes for the season, replacing the fraying curtains and the annual ritual of getting the house painted, were all lined up for this time of the year. Now, we add some more to our already overflowing wardrobe, replace the fully functional kitchen gadget, because the last model looks boring, or simply buy something because there’s a good deal going on it. Even the decorated thalis of sweets and goodies that children went distributing among neighbours have now been replaced with the more plush-looking gift hampers from the nearest superstore. The way we shop and spend during festivals has changed over the years, and...
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