04 January 2022

To Invest, Or Not To Invest?

Shiladitya Sinha
It’s a difficult question indeed, especially when it relates to cryptocurrencies. And that’s because crypto is at once the most promising and controversial asset class. Some envision a crypto-first financial future, while it’s nothing more than magic internet money for others.   But either way, one can’t deny that crypto-based investments have generated unprecedented returns in the recent past. This, in turn, complicates things for ordinary users hopeless scepticism on the one hand and hopeful enthusiasm on the other. And in between, there’s the chaos of excessive but unreliable information, with self-proclaimed experts and their so-called financial insights. So, it’s almost impossible to answer the question in objective, black and white terms. To each, their own is the principle for making investment-related decisions. We must decide according...
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