02 November 2020

Want To Play Office - Office Again?

Whether we frame this year in terms of the virus that stalks us still, or the economic catastrophe that came in its wake, the victim in our mind tends to be human. Even when economic sectors are thought of, what comes to mind are humming networks of activity: the movement and productive interaction of material and people. Rarely do we think of something inanimate. Yet, there’s something that underlies all of the above. ‘Commercial real estate’ sounds like a niche, even if a large one—just one subset of one sector, with its set of players. But it’s the very ground—literally—of economic activity. When Covid-19 came like a classic black swan event, this was one sector fated to feel the cumulative pain—and it’s still grappling with the jolt months later. A prolonged lockdown and the normalisation of the Work From Home  (WFH) culture...
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