07 January 2020


Farzana Suri
The advent of not just a new year but a year that nudges you, from the teens to the twenties. Like every year, the transition creates an opportunity to advance. However, this year, the energy also carries with it, the need to course correct and re-evaluate. In numerological terms, when you add the year 2020 (2+0+2+0), it is called the Universal Year and, in this case, it is 4. When you look back at 2019, it brought creativity, truth, justice, humanities, scientific innovations, environmental consciousness in the spotlight. The long-awaited Ayodhya judgment, 300 mile ‘Women’s Wall’ in support of women’s access to temple of Sabarimala, President Trump’s impeachment, re-election of PM Modi, revoking of Kashmir’s autonomous status, the Hong Kong protests, unveiling of the SpaceX spacecraft, Starship, soft-landing on the moon by Chandrayaan-2 all hold true...
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